
New paper!
Check out our new paper in Animal Cognition: Social information facilitates learning about novel food sources in adult flower-visiting bats. (pdf)


New paper!
Check out our new paper in Mammalia. In his study, Patrick reports detailed information on a new architecture of leaf-tents used by Pacific tent-making bats (Uroderma convexum) in the semi-decidorous lowland rainforest in Panama.


Bat Advent Calendar 2020
Check out the Bat Advent Calendar organized by my colleague Luis Viquez! You’ll get a fantastic bat paper every day and a short video synopsis narrated by a bat researcher.


ACG Website
There is a new note on the website of the Área de Conservación Guanacaste (ACG) presenting our latest article: Las crías de murciélagos nectarívoros realizan vuelos de búsqueda de alimento separados de sus madres, resultados de un nuevo estudio en el Parque Nacional de Santa Rosa.


New paper!
Our field experiment with RFID flowers revealed that juvenile flower-visiting bats perform foraging flights apart from their mothers! Check out our new paper in Mammalian Biology. (pdf)


Helpful fact sheet: „European bats and SARS-CoV 2“
A group of nature conservation organisations and scientific institutions published a helpful fact sheet to objectify the discussion about European bats and SARS-CoV 2. Also check for updates directly on the website of the Bundesverband für Fledermauskunde.


New paper!
Check out our new Glossophaga paper in Bioacoustics (free share link). In his study, David found statistical evidence for an individual signature in distress calls, but not for a sex-specific signature and revealed that the bats’ response behavior to distress calls is influenced by group size.


18th IBRC in ThailandIBRC nametag
The 18th International Bat Research Conference is over now. It was nice meeting you all in Phuket! Many thanks to the organizing committee for this fantastic conference and to ProTrainU for the travel grant! Looking forward to see you in Austin, Texas…


Maternal food provisioningscreenshot national geographic
Our latest paper is the hook for a nice National Geographic round-up story of surprising foods animal moms feed their babies.


New paper!article thumbnail
Our study about maternal mouth-to-mouth feeding behavior in Glossophaga soricina got published in Behavioural Processes. More information can be found here…